Railway Logos

When I moved to Austin for college in 1998, I got my first new computer. I was a studio art major and with newly found access to the university's cable internet, I began a 20 year hobby of creating endless folders of art and design inspiration. The very first folder I ever created was called "Train Stuff." I still have it, transferred and updated over multiple computers.
I've found trains awe-inspiring as long as I can remember. Growing up, my grandparents lived across the street from the train tracks. My brother and I would hear the far-away whistle and run out into the front yard to see the huge Southern Pacific train in all of it's black and red glory speed by. As a 10-year-old, it was a sight to behold. Something about seeing that bold logo on something so big, so powerful, and so loud has always stuck out. So I suppose it wasn't surprising that trains were the first thing on my mind when I started searching the internet for inspiration. Being able to find blogs and photo galleries of all the big trains around America unlocked a whole new world for me. Below are some of my favorites.
Akron, Canton and Youngstown
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe: El Capitan
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe: Super Chief
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe: Texas Chief
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe: The Chief
Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast
Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay
Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay
Atlanta and West Point
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore and Ohio
Baltimore and Ohio
Bangor and Aroostook
Bessemer and Lake Erie
Boston and Maine
Burlington Northern
Canadian National
Canadian National
Canadian Northern
Canadian Pacific
Central of Georgia
Central Vermont
Charleston and Western Carolina
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad
Chicago and Eastern Illinois
Chicago Great Western
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Chicago and North Western
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
Denver & Rio Grande Western
Denver & Rio Grande Western
Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range
Florence and Cripple Creek
Florida East Coast
Fort Worth and Denver
Grand Trunk
Great Northern
Gulf, Mobile and Northern
Gulf, Mobile and Ohio
Houston and Texas Central
Illinois Central Gulf
Illinois Terminal Company
International-Great Northern
Kansas City Southern
Kansas City Southern
Lake Erie and Western
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern
Lehigh and Hudson River
Lehigh Valley
Litchfield and Madison
Los Angeles and Salt Lake
Louisiana and Arkansas
Louisville and Nashville
Maine Central
Missouri Pacific
Missouri Pacific
Missouri Pacific: Colorado Eagle Line
Mobile and Ohio
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Nevada Northern Railway
New Orleans Great Northern
New York Central
New York, Chicago and St. Louis (Nickel Plate Road)
New York, New Haven and Hartford
New York, Ontario and Western
Norfolk and Western
Norfolk and Western: Arrow Line
Northern Pacific
Pacific Electric
Pacific Electric
Penn Central
Pennsylvania: The General
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore
Peoria and Eastern
Pere Marquette
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie
Quanah, Acme and Pacific
Reading: Crusader Line
Sacramento Northern
St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern
St. Louis-San Francisco (Frisco)
St. Louis Southwestern (Cotton Belt)
San Diego and Arizona
Seaboard Air Line
Seaboard Coast Line
Seaboard System
Soo Line
Southern Pacific
Spokane, Portland and Seattle
Texas and Pacific
Union Pacific
Union Pacific: Forty Niner
Union Pacific: Pony Express
Union Pacific: Streamliner
Western Pacific